
Helping communities thrive through service, faith, and resilience

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Helping Communities Thrive Through Service, Faith, and Resilience

As a Minnesota corporate citizen with global reach, Frauenshuh is committed to its vision of forging partnerships and sustained efforts to help people and communities thrive through service, faith, and resilience in all we do.

Since its founding in 1983, Frauenshuh, Inc. has been a name recognized within the state of Minnesota for its excellence in all aspects of business. This excellence extends to the good work Frauenshuh is doing in the community and beyond. Today, the company’s corporate responsibility strategy focuses on sustained efforts to help people and communities thrive through service, faith, and resilience. A primary example of this comes through The Dwelling Place, a Christian ministry that provides healing and hope to victims of domestic abuse through support services and a safe place to call home. At The Dwelling Place, Frauenshuh’s support and impact helps to restore faith in victims, while providing much needed safety and security.

Frauenshuh’s work with The Dwelling Place started in 2014 with an opportunity to provide and donate a duplex to support women and children who were victims of abuse. Transitional Housing is at the core of The Dwelling Place’s programs and is essential to allow victims of abuse to end the cycle of abuse and start new. Since Frauenshuh’s donation, this home has served 31 women and 76 children over the last 6 years. This gift will leave a lasting legacy and impact on the community in Minnesota for its opportunity to rehabilitate and establish a safe path and a brighter future for the victims of abuse.

Today, The Dwelling Place’s housing program has grown to the equivalent of eight (8) single family homes with the capacity to support 57 women and their children at one time.

Following Frauenshuh’s corporate responsibility strategy of helping people thrive through faith and resilience, The Dwelling Place provides hope and healing to vulnerable individuals and empowers them to create a thriving life for themselves and their children.

In addition to Transitional Housing Programs, The Dwelling Place offers numerous support services for victims including:

Case Management
Goal Planning
Support Groups
Domestic Abuse Classes
Children Programming
Parenting Education
Basic Life Skills Education
Bible Studies & Prayer Ministry