Allina Health’s Change to Chill
We know that we have a mental health crisis in our communities. To combat rising stress, anxiety, depression and suicide rates, especially among teens, Allina Health created Change to Chill™ (CTC) to give teens and young adults tools to better manage their stress and mental well-being. CTC helps teens identify causes of stress and offers useful techniques and resources to respond through three components: free, online mental well-being resources; community train-the-trainer sessions; and the CTC School Partnership. Reaching more than 500,000 teens, educators and parents since it launched in 2014, CTC is helping teens learn how to stress less and be well.
Allina Health also offers a Change to Chill School Partnership Internship to interested students. This opportunity allows student leaders from across the Allina Health service area, from racially and ethnically diverse backgrounds, to design and tailor the CTC program to their school’s unique needs. Chill Champions learn techniques and tools to implement with their peers and plan a “Chill Zone” for their school, a space where students can de-stress and recharge before returning to class.
Students at partner schools have reported an increase in knowledge around stress management techniques, specifically mindfulness and guided imagery, as well as an increase in confidence in coping with stress. Allina Health is proud to partner with young people to build the foundations for a healthier future.